North America
Area(sq km)
Population Density
(no. of people per sq km)
Dial Code:
U.S.A.,Mexico,Canada,Guatemala,Haiti,Cuba,Dominican Republic,Honduras,Nicaragua,El Salvador,Costa Rica,Panama,Jamaica,Puerto Rico,Trinidad and Tobago,Guadeloupe,Belize,Bahamas,Martinique,Barbados,Saint Lucia,Curaçao,Grenada,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,Aruba,United States Virgin Islands,Antigua and Barbuda,Dominica,Cayman Islands,Bermuda,Greenland,Saint Kitts and Nevis,Sint Maarten,Turks and Caicos Islands,Saint Martin,British Virgin Islands,Caribbean Netherlands,Anguilla,Saint Barthélemy,Saint Pierre and Miquelon,Montserrat
North America is a vast continent located in the northern hemisphere and is made up of 23 countries and several territories. It is the third-largest continent, covering an area of 24.71
million square kilometers. It is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to its north, the Atlantic Ocean to its east, the Pacific Ocean to its west, and the Caribbean Sea to its south. The continent has diverse geography with different landscapes such as mountains, plains, forests, rivers, lakes and deserts. There are several iconic natural landmarks including The Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, and Niagara Falls. North America is unique in culture and ethnicity, as well as a blend of different languages. The United States, Canada, and Mexico are the largest and most influential countries on the continent. North America is home to several vibrant cities like New York City, Los Angeles, Toronto, and Mexico City and several Caribbean islands. North America is known for its rich cultural heritage, diverse communities, and varied cuisine. The continent also has a thriving economy and is home to some of the world's most advanced industries and technology.