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  • Sanjiv Nanda

Thought for the Day (2023-1)

Thought for the Day

Date: 31/3/2023

*Only When you truly feel Comfortable with your Own Imperfections,


You Won't feel Threatened or Offended by the Imperfections, you See in Other People.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 30/3/2023

*When we come to Realise that our Opinions and Judgements of other People, have Nothing to Do with Them, and Everything to Do with our Own Ego.


We are able to Use Our Every Reaction towards Others, as an Opportunity to Bring to Light, an aspect in Ourselves that Needs Healing.


Observe Your Reactions towards Others, specially those that Make You Angry, and Heal Yourself & Grow.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 29/3/2023

*In Life Nobody has the Power, to Make Things Perfect;


We All Get countless Chances, to Make Things Right.


Perfection is a Myth and Progress is the Key.


Every Chance We Use to do Things Right, is Progress to a Better Version of Ourselves.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 28/3/2023

*One of the Best Feelings in the World for Others is,

When You Hug Them Tight.


The Best Feeling in the World For You is,

When the Person You Hug, Hugs You Back Tighter.


Love & Hug People more, and You will be Loved & Hugged More.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 27/3/2023

*In Life, Don't get Offended, by Other People's Opinion About You;


It is, Just Their Opinion not the Truth;


Not Your Destiny. Your Destiny, You Decide with Your Thoughts & Actions and Not by Other's Opinion.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 26/3/2023

*Every Day  in Life is an Opportunity to be Creative -

The Canvas is, Your Mind;

The Brushes and Colours are, Your Thoughts & Feelings;


The Panorama is, Your Story;


The Complete Picture is, a Work Of Art Called, 'MY LIFE'.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 25/3/2023

*Many of Us are Putting in a Lot of Effort to Change the World and Other People, but generally with No Success.


If instead We Try to Change Ourselves, the World & Other People's Life, will be greatly Improved.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 24/3/2023

*As per Medical Science ~

An Injury on the Tongue, Heals the Fastest.


As per Social Science ~

An Injury Caused by the Tongue (Words), Takes the Longest Time to Heal.


Be Very Careful of the Words You Speak.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 23/3/2023

*When you Meditate, Try to Concentrate your whole Mind on God.


When you are Performing a Duty, put your whole Heart into it.


As soon as you are Through with Work, again Place your mind on the Lord.


When you Learn to Practise the Presence of God in Every Moment, and you Train Your Mind to Think of Him, then even in the Midst of Work you will be Aware of the Divine Communion.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 22/3/2023

*There is Always Light, at the End of Every Tunnel.


The Problem is, Most People are too Afraid to Enter a New Tunnel and Just Want to Stay in their Comfort Zone only.


Try to Expand Your Life Experiences and Though You will Face Problems, but there are Solutions, to Every Problem.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 21/3/2023

*Forgiveness is such a Great & Strange Medicine,


When we Give it to Others,

It Heals the Wounds in Your Heart also and You Feel Great.


Use this Forgiveness Medicine, more & more in your life.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 20/3/2023

*To Do Real Service in the Society, You Need Money and Thought.


You must also Add Something, which Cannot be Bought or Measured with Money.


That is Sincerity to Serve and Integrity to Use Money for the Cause of Service.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 19/3/2023

*Remember in Life, that Without Hope Nothing would Work in this World.


Also Remember that Just Hope Only also Will Not Work. You Will also Need Courage, Determination and Hard Work.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 18/3/2023

*Success is Never Final, because Life is a Continuous Battle and You Have to Keep Succeeding;


Failure is Never Fatal;

Only If

You Continue to Get Up after Every Failure & keep Trying Again & Again, till You Succeed.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 17/3/2023

*The Only Way to Improve In Your Life is, By Assuming 100% Responsibility of Your Present.


When You Do that, You Create the Space to Make a Change and Become a Problem Solver.


When We Take 100% Responsibility, only then We Get Rid of All Excuses and Can Enjoy a More Productive Way to Live & Lead.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 16/3/2023

*Live a Simple Life.


Simplicity Requires a Two-Step Process.

First, We must Invest Time & Energy to Find Out What Stirs Us as Human Beings and Brings Us Joy.


Then We must Proceed to Create the Life, that Reflects the Unique Person, that Each of Us Truly Are.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 15/3/2023

*See Nothing Else, Look at Nothing Else but Your Goal in Life.


The Things that Happen to Us while Trying to Achieve Our Goal Don't Matter; but  What We Become After Passing Through Them Does.


Each Day, Accept Everything as Coming to You from God and Try Your Best to Achieve Your Goal.


At Night, Give Everything Back into God's Hands, Saying that You Did Your Best and Rest He Has To Do.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 14/3/2023

*Avoid a Negative Approach to Life, as it is like Gazing Down the Sewers, when there are  Lovely Views also all Around Us.


Life has a Bright Side and a Dark Side, for the World is Composed of both Light and Darkness.


Like Life, All Coins have Two Sides, but You Always Look at the Brighter Side, because What You Focus On Expands For You.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 13/3/2023

*In Life, it is Not Important whether you are a Great Success or Not.


What is Important is, Whether You Are as Successful, as You Are Capable Of - Are You Living the Best Version of Yourself.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 12/3/2023

*Don’t Concern Yourself, with the Faults of Others.


Use the Scouring Powder of Wisdom, to Keep the rooms of your Own Mind, Bright and Spotless.

And Then

By Your Example, Other Persons will also be Inspired, To Do their Own Housecleaning.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 11/3/2023

*In the Journey of Life,

No One is Ahead of us or Behind Us.


In Life, In Some Fields, We are Teachers;


In Some Other Fields, We are Students.


Just Enjoy This Journey called Life.*

Thought for the day

Date: 10/3/2023

*The Biggest Fear in the World is, the FEAR OF THE FEAR.


This Fear of the Fear Happens, when Your Mind Imagines that Fear.


Control Your Mind to Overcome Your Fears, as Your Fears Stop You, from Being the Best Version of Yourself.*

Thought for the day

Date: 9/3/2023

*In Life, When we Release ourselves from the Illusion Of Control;

And Only

Then We Begin an Effortless Free-fall toward a Grand Reunion with our Real Self..!!*

Thought for the day

Date: 8/3/2023

*In Life When Something Goes Wrong, Don’t Dwell on What Went Wrong.


Focus on, What To Do Next.


In Life, Spend Your Energies on Moving Forward.


So On this Festival of HOLI Forget & Forgive, Yourself and Others and Move Forward.*

Thought for the day

Date: 7/3/2023

*Always Try to Represent Yourself as HAPPY;


Initially, It Becomes Your Look;

Gradually, It Becomes Your Habit;

Finally, It Becomes Your Personality.*

Thought for the day

Date: 6/3/2023

*Good Principals To Follow in Life ~

Before you Talk, Listen.

Before you React, Think.

Before you Spend, Earn.


Before you Criticize, Wait.

Before you Pray, Forgive.

And Finally

Before you Quit, Try Try & Try.*

Thought for the day

Date: 5/3/2023

*Before Nelson Mandela left Prison he said "As I stand before the door to my freedom, I realise that if I do not leave my Pain, Anger and Bitterness Behind me, I Will Still be in Prison".


Self Imprisonment is worse than that Imposed Prison. How many of us are in Self-inflicted Pains today for lack of Forgiveness. How many of us have Imprisoned ourselves inside the Walls of Anger and Bitterness.


Holding Grudges Doesn't make you Strong, it only makes you Bitter.


Forgiveness, does not only make you Strong, it also Sets You Free*.

Thought for the day

Date: 4/3/2023

*The Problem in our Life, is Not the Actual Problem;


The Over Thinking We Do, About the Problem.


Stop Over Thinking & Worrying about the Problem, Let it Go and A Solution Will Appear, to Set You Free of the Problem.*

Thought for the day

Date: 3/3/2023

*True Happiness is Not, About Getting All that You Want;


True Happiness is, Enjoying What You Have;


Thanking the Almighty, for Giving You, All that You Have.*

Thought for the day

Date: 2/3/2023

*The Soul is bound to the Body only by a Chain of Desires, Temptations, Troubles, and Worries, and it is trying to free itself.


If you keep tugging at that Chain which is holding you to Mortal Consciousness, some day an invisible Divine Hand will intervene and Snap it apart, and you Will be Free.


That will be the Day of Transformation.*

Thought for the day

Date: 1/3/2023

*Life is always a Daily Effort.



Never stop Your Efforts and Wishing you the Best of Efforts in Life.*

Thought for the day

Date: 28/2/2023

*The Greatest Gift God gave Humans, is Not Sight but Vision.


Sight is the function of, the Eye;


Vision is the function of, the Mind.*

Thought for the day

Date: 27/2/2023

*Your PAST, is to Prove that No One is Perfect, and We All Make Mistakes.


The FUTURE, is to Prove, that Everyone & Everything Can Change.


The PRESENT, is to Prove, that The Process to Change is In Our Hands and We Can Start NOW.*

Thought for the day

Date: 26/2/2023

*Live One Day at a Time - that will be Good.


Do Not Look Back and Grieve over the Past, for It is Gone;


Do Not be Troubled about the Future, for it has Not Yet Come.


Just Live in the Present, and make it so Beautiful, that it will be Worth Remembering.*

Thought for the day

Date: 25/2/2023

*If You have a Peaceful Mind, then you are Lucky.


If You have Control Over Your Mind, then you are even More Lucky.


If You Remember Someone from the Heart, then you are Blessed.


If Someone Remembers You from the Heart, then you are even More Blessed.*

Thought for the day

Date: 24/2/2023

A Small Dot, can Stop a big sentence,


A few more Dots, can give Continuity.....


Every Ending, Can Be the Start of a New Beginning.*

Thought for the day

Date: 23/2/2023

*The Easiest Formula for Success is - Double Your Rate of Failure.


You can be Discouraged by Failure, or You can Learn from it.

Always Remember

Successful People have generally Failed More Times, than Unsuccessful People May Have Even Tried for Success.*

Thought for the day

Date: 22/2/2023

*When God gives Us a "NO" for an answer,

Remember there is a big "YES"  behind it.


God's No is Not a "Rejection" but a "Redirection" in Our Life.


Trust God and Flow with God's Direction in Life.*

Thought for the day

Date: 21/2/2023

*When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Appears.


When the Student is Truly Ready, a Good Teacher Disappears.


The Teacher then, Let's the Student Become a Teacher Himself.*

Thought for the day

Date: 20/2/2023

*Life is an Interesting Journey ~

With Problems to Solve;


Lessons to Learn.

But Also

Experiences to be Enjoyed.


It is all about Accepting All Situations & Finding Happiness in them.*

Thought for the day

Date: 19/2/2023

*Yoga, Meditation and Any Self-Discovery Practice, Doesn't Change the Outside World, We See;


It Transforms the Person, Who Sees, Thereby Changes the Whole Perception.


Shristi/ Universe Doesn't Change, But Drishti/Your Vision Changes, thereby TRANSFORMING the WORLD for YOU.*

Thought for the day

Date: 18/2/2023

*In Life, Never get Stopped, by your Past Mistakes.


Your Past Mistakes, were just Lessons to be Learnt, and Were Not a Life Sentence.


Learn from Your Past, and Take Great Actions in the Present, to Create a Great Future.*

Thought for the day

Date: 17/2/2023

*Life is just Like Painting.

Draw the Lines, with Hope.

Erase the Errors, with Tolerance.


Dip the Brush, with lots of Patience.

And Finally

Colour it, with lots of Love.


Paint Your Life, Like a Beautiful Painting.*

Thought for the day

Date: 16/2/2023

*A Great Secret of Your Mind ~

When the Mind is Weak, Situation is a Problem.


When the Mind is  Balanced, Situation is a Challenge.


When the Mind is Strong, Situation becomes an Opportunity.


Life is Not about the Situation, It is about Your State of Mind.*

Thought for the day

Date: 15/2/2023

*Time Doesn't Change People;

It Only Shows, the Real Face of People.


Money Doesn't Change People;

It only Magnifies, the Qualities of that Person.*

Thought for the day

Date: 14/2/2023

*In Life ~

PAIN is a sign, that You Are ALIVE.


PROBLEM is a sign, that You Are STRONG.


PRAYER is a sign, that You Are Not ALONE.


Bear Your Pain & Problems with Courage, as God is there to Guide You, Provided You Seek His Help, through Prayers.*

Thought for the day

Date: 13/2/2023

*Four Beautiful Thoughts About Life ~

Look BACK, and Get Experience

Look FORWARD, and See Hope

Look AROUND, and Find Reality


Look INSIDE, and Find Yourself.*

Thought for the day

Date: 12/2/2023

*Looking Back in Life into Your Past, Shows Your Regret.


Looking Here & There in Your Present, Shows Your Concern.


Looking Forward Hopefully in Your Future, Shows Your Confidence.


Learn from Your Past, Work Hard in the Present and Create a Bright Future.*

Thought for the day

Date: 11/2/2023

*In Life, Never Mix Your MOODS With Your WORDS.


You will have many Options To Change Your Moods;


You will Never get Any Option to Change Your Spoken Words.


Think Atleast Twice, Before Speaking Anything, When Youare in a Bad Mood.*

Thought for the day

Date: 10/2/2023

*In the Book of Life, Making Mistakes, is Just a Page of that Book.


Our Relationships, are The Book Of Life.


If Required, Tear Off Those Pages of Mistakes, But Don't Throw Away, The Book Of Life.*

Thought for the day

Date: 9/2/2023

*Relationships in Life, are like Electric Connections.


The Wrong Connections, will give you Shocks in Your Life.


The Right Connections, will Light Up Your Life.*

Thought for the day

Date: 8/2/2023

*To Live a Great Life, Follow these Golden Rules :

Have a Mind, which never Minds;


Have a Heart, which never Hurts;

Have a Touch, which never Pains;

And Finally

Have  Relations, which never End.*

Thought for the day

Date: 7/2/2023

*Distance doesn’t, actually Destroy Relationships;


Loneliness, Never really Kills Relationships.


Proximity Doesn’t, necessarily Foster Relationships.*


It’s Understanding, Care and Respect of other’s Feelings and Unconditionally Loving Them, which Builds and Maintains Everlasting Relationships.*

Thought for the day

Date: 6/2/2023

*Never Try to Find Anything Unique or Special in a Person.


The Day We Lose that Person Forever, will be the day We Will Realise that the Person Himself was Unique and Not Just Some of their Qualities.*

Thought for the day

Date: 5/2/2023

*What Other People Say and Do has Nothing To Do with You, and Everything to do with, how they Perceive What is Happening.


This is only Their Opinion of Reality, it's Not Yours.


So, Strive only to Live Your Life in Alignment with Your Values, Integrity, and Worth. You Matter, so You Get to Decide.*

Thought for the day

Date: 4/2/2023

*You Have to be Your Own Inspiration;


You Have to be Your Own Solution;


You Have to be Your Own Motivation.


Others Can Try to Help You, But You Have To Do It All Yourself.*

Thought for the day

Date: 3/2/2023

*The Person You Marry, is the Person You Fight With.


The House You Buy, is the House You Repair.


The Dream Job You Take, is the Job, You Stress Over.


Everything Comes with Inherent Sacrifice - People & Things, which make Us Feel Good, Will also Sometimes Make Us Feel Miserable. That is Life's Way of Balancing Things.*

Thought for the day

Date: 2/2/2023

*Your Relationships should Not Depend only On, the Spoken Words.


Your Relationships Should Also Rely on, Understanding the Unspoken Feelings.


Only then, You Will Have Great Relationships in Life.*

Thought for the day

Date: 1/2/2023

*Be Careful with What You Water Your Dreams With.


If You Water your Dreams with Worry & Fear, then You will Produce Weeds, which will Kill Your Dreams.


If You Water Your Dreams with Optimism & Solutions, then you will Cultivate Success.


Always Water Your Dreams/ Goals Right, so that You Achieve them.*

Thought for the day

Date: 31/1/2023

*When we Judge Other People's Choices, we not only Upset them, we also Cause Ourselves Avoidable Pain.


Life is much Easier, when We Accept that Everyone Needs to Learn their Own Lessons, in their Own Time, and Follow their Own Path.*

Thought for the day

Date: 30/1/2023

*Silence is Never Empty.


It is Full Of Answers.


You Know How To Listen To Yourself & The Universe Inside You.*

Thought for the day

Date: 29/1/2023

*Love the People who LOVE YOU, because they Like Something in you, Develop it.


Love the People who HATE YOU, because they Hate Something in You, Change it.


Learn to LIVE with All Types of People and Attain Peace of Mind and Joy BUT, if it Still Doesn’t Work with Some People, just Forget them and LIVE ON For YOURSELF.*

Thought for the day

Date: 28/1/2023

*Care is to Express, Not to Impress People;


When Care is Expressed truly, People Get Impressed Naturally.


Care genuinely for People, and Let them Get Impressed.*

Thought for the day

Date: 27/1/2023

*Your Silence, is a Strong Fence, around your Wisdom.


If your Foot Slips, you Can Regain your Balance,


If your Tongue Slips, you Can Never Rebuild your Image Again easily.


Be Silent, Unless You Have Something Worthwhile to Say.*

Thought for the day

Date: 26/1/2023

*John F.Kennedy had said - "Ask Not, What Your Country Has Done For You ?"

"Ask, What You Have Done For Your Country ?"


There are Two Types of Situations in Our Life ~

First, Those which are Beyond Our Control;


Second, Those Which are in Our Control.


The Irony is, We Keep Wanting to Criticise or Change the Situations, that are Beyond Our Control;Rather Than Changing the Situations, Which are In Our Control.



Thought for the day

Date: 25/1/2023

*Our Life is mostly in Our Hands. No Matter Where We are Now, No Matter What Has Happened in our Life.


We Can Begin to Consciously Choose Our Thoughts, and Thus We Can Change Our Life.


There is No such thing as a Hopeless Situation, as most Circumstances of our life Can Be Changed.*

Thought for the day

Date: 24/1/2023

*Your EGO is Your Self Image, it is Your Social Mask and just the Role You are Playing.


Your Social Mask Thrives on Approval and Wants a lot of Social Approval.


Your EGO wants Control & Power, because It Lives in Constant Fear.


Understand Your Ego, Control it and Become Self Aware & Humble.*

Thought for the day

Date: 23/1/2023

*In Life, If you Want to Grow,


Instead of Asking "Why this is Happening to Me ?"

Ask - "What is This Situation or Person Trying to Teach Me ?"


Then There will be a big Transformation in Your Thoughts, Words, Actions & Life.*

Thought for the day

Date: 22/1/2023

*HAPPINESS is not a Destination, it's a Journey.


Happiness is not Tomorrow, it is Now.


Happiness is not a Dependency on People or Things, it is a Decision.


Happiness is not Having What You Want, but Appreciating What You Have.

So, Happiness is What you Are, Not What you Have.*

Thought for the day

Date: 21/1/2023

*Scientists now have Proved that Our DNA can be Re-Programmed by our Words, Feelings & Intentions.


We are the Programmers of Our DNA and So We can Change it & Improve our Life.*

Thought for the day

Date: 20/1/2023

*There is a big Difference between Giving Up and Letting Go.


Giving up means Selling yourself Short and allowing fear and struggle to Limit your Opportunities and Keep you Stuck.


Letting Go means Freeing yourself from something that is No Longer Serving You.


Giving Up is Self Defeat.

Letting Go is Self Care.*

Thought for the day

Date: 19/1/2023

*There is a Difference between LONELINESS & SOLITUDE.


Loneliness is When You are Alone & Feeling Bored.


Solitude is when you Sit by Yourself to Examine & Inspect Your Thoughts and Deeds.


Try to be in Solitude to Retrospect & Grow in Life.*

Thought for the day

Date: 18/1/2023

*Whatever Thoughts you Hold in your Mind, will Occur in your Life.


If you Think as you have always Thought, then You will continue to Act as you have always Acted and so you will always Get the same Results.


If you want Different Results in your Life, then You have to Change the Thoughts in your Mind.*

Thought for the day

Date: 17/1/2023

*The Problem of Humans is - We are Looking For Permanence in a Temporary & Transitory World.


In this World Everything is Temporary - Our Life, Thoughts, Emotions, People & Situations.


In Life Don't Get Attached to Anything and Just Flow With Time.*

Thought for the day

Date: 16/1/2023

*One of the Greatest Irony in Life is that ~

People Have Doubts, When Hearing Compliments &  Good Things, About Themselves or Others.


Immediately Believe On, Anything Bad Said, About Them or Others !


To Have more Positivity in Life, Believe More on the Good Things, Said about You & Others.*

Thought for the day

Date: 15/1/2023

*There is a Big Difference between WORRY & CONCERN.


A Worried Person, only Sees a Problem.


A Concerned Person, Solves a Problem.


We have Enough Worried Persons in the World, So You should Try to be a Concerned Person.*

Thought for the day

Date: 14/1/2023

*Life is Choice between- AGEING & GROWING.


Ageing, Adds Years to Your Life;


Growing, Adds Life to Your Years.


The Choice is Your - Whether You Want to just Age or Grow.*

Thought for the day

Date: 13/1/2023

*The biggest Temptation of Life, is to Convert Dreams into Reality.


The biggest Defeat of Life comes, when we Surrender our Dreams to Reality.


Don't Let Reality Kill Your Dreams, Try to Achieve Them.*

Thought for the day

Date: 12/1/2023

*Luck is Not in our Hand,


Decision Is in our Hand.


Luck, Doesn't Change our Decision.


Our Decisions, surely Do Changes our Luck.*

Thought for the day

Date: 11/1/2023

*Success is not the Key to Happiness;


Happiness is the Key to Success.


If You Love what you are Doing, You will become Successful, sooner or later.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 10/1/2023

*In Life one of the most Difficult Decision is, When to Try More and When to Let Go.


Giving Up Doesn't always mean, You are Weak.


Sometimes it also Means, you are Strong Enough to Let Go.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 9/1/2023

*One Day We will Depart from this Journey of Life;


Don't Worry about Seat Reservation and the Flight will be on Time.


Our Good Deeds will be our Luggage,

Humanity will be our Passport,

Love will be our Visa.


Make Sure You Travel Business Class to Heaven, So Do Good Deeds & Distribute tons of Love.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 8/1/2023

*In Life, the Best Lessons are Learnt -

When You Have a Hungry Stomach;


When You Have an Empty Pocket;


When You Get A Broken Heart.


You Never Forget, These Lessons of Life.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 7/1/2023

*A Wise man was Asked -

What is the Meaning of Life ?


The Wise man Replied -

Life by itself has No Meaning;


Life is an Opportunity, to Create a Meaning for Your Life.


Have You Created a Meaning For Your Life till Now, otherwise DO IT NOW.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 6/1/2023

*Never try to find anything, Unique or Special, in a Person.


The Day you Lose that Person Forever, will be the day you will Realise, that the Whole Person was Unique & Special.


Value All these Unique People in Your Life, till they are there.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 5/1/2023

*In Life, Most People about 95%  Never even Run Fast Enough & Far Enough on their First Wind as they just Live in their Comfort Zone;


Only 5% Run Fast & Far Enough, to find out, that They have also got a Second Wind, which takes them to Great Success.


Live Outside Your Comfort Zone & Succeed.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 4/1/2023

*Good Way to Manage Life ~

Be Honest, when in Trouble

Be Simple, when in Wealth


Be Polite, when in Power

And Finally

Be Silent, when in Anger. *

Thought for the Day

Date: 3/1/2023

* "I" (Ego) is the Shortest Letter and the Smallest Word in the Dictionary.


Let Us Not make it the Largest & the Heaviest Word in Our Lives.


Control Your Ego & Live a Humble & Happy Life. *

Thought for the Day

Date: 2/1/2023

*Regardless of how despicable another Person has acted, Never let Hate build in Your Heart.


Forgiveness is Better and for those who are Strong enough and Smart enough to Move On.


The best Revenge against Hatred is Living Well, in a way that Creates Peace in your Heart.*

Thought for the Day

Date: 1/1/2023 *There are Two aspects of Harmony in Our Life:

The Harmony between Our Body, Mind and Soul;


The Harmony with different People in our Life.


All the Tragedy in the World, comes from Lack of Harmony either in Self or with People.


Harmony in Life, is best Achieved, by first Producing Harmony, in One's Own Self.*


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